Leetcode Problem 900-999
Recursion (TLE)
- For an element we can go down, right diagonal, or left diagonal, we will take minimum of those 3 and add with current element.
- The base case here is: If we reach to last row, we will return the current element.
- Also we have to check if the element is out of bound, if it is then return
, because we are taking minimum element.
Memoization (AC)
- The recursive solution calculate same subproblem multiple times.
- we can use memoization table to store the results of the subproblems.
- If the subproblem is already calculated then return it else calculate and store it.
- TC: O(m*n)
- SC: O(m*n)
Tabulation (AC)
- we fill the first row with original values.
- then we fill rest as:
- for first col we take
min(up,upRightDig) + currElem
- for last col we take
min(up,upLeftDig) + currElem
- for all other cols we take
min(up,upLeftDig,upRightDig) + currElem
- Then we find the min of the last row.
- TC: O(m*n)
- SC: O(m*n)
Traversal Approaches
- We can solve this problem with any of the traversal for the tree.
- We just need to check for the condition of the node value and then add the value to the sum.
BST Traversal
- We can use BST properties and avoid extra recursive calls.
- TC: O(N), N is number of nodes in the tree.
- SC: O(h), h is the height of the tree.
O(NlogN) Time solution
- Create new array and push_back squares of each element in it.
- Sort the new array.
- Return the new array.
O(N) Time solution
- We use two pointer method to solve this problem.
- set two array l=0 and r=arr.size()-1.
- traverse through the array and set max abs values square at last position.
- return the array.
DFS + Backtracking
- Below solution is explained in this video also on must read no-1.
- We donβt need zero++ for backtracking, because it is local variable.
2-pointer Solution
O(N) Time and O(1) Space
- We use k itself as carry.
- From last to first we fill array with addition and mod.
- If after loop, k have some carry we insert k to the start of array until it becomes 0.
Greedy Solution
- Very intuitive solution. we can just think reverse of the problem statement.
- we will start from target and divide it when it is even else add one init, until target is greater than the starting value.
- count the total number of times we have to do so.
- return count + (startValue - target).
- TC: O(log target)
- TC: O(1)
BFS solution
Most intuitive
- There are 2 main conditions for the town judge if it exists.
- The town judge trusts no one.
- Everyone (except the town judge)(n-1 people) trusts the town judge.
- So we can build trusts array in which we store how many person , the current person trusts.
- also we can build trusted array in which we store the current person is trusted by how many people.
- So the answer will be simple, if any person has
trusts count == 0
and trusted count == n-1
(everyone except town judge), then it is the town judge.else we return -1.
- TC: O(N)
- SC: O(N), 2 Extra vectors, We can also take vector of pairs