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Leetcode Problem 900-999

931. Minimum Falling Path Sum 🌟🌟

Recursion (TLE)

Memoization (AC)

Tabulation (AC)

938. Range Sum of BST 🌟

Traversal Approaches

BST Traversal

946. Validate Stack Sequences 🌟🌟

977. Squares of a Sorted Array 🌟

O(NlogN) Time solution

O(N) Time solution

980. Unique Paths III 🌟🌟🌟

DFS + Backtracking


986. Interval List Intersections 🌟🌟

2-pointer Solution

989. Add to Array-Form of Integer 🌟

O(N) Time and O(1) Space

991. Broken Calculator 🌟🌟

Greedy Solution

994. Rotting Oranges 🌟🌟

BFS solution

997. Find the Town Judge 🌟

Most intuitive