Leetcode Problem 100-199
Intuitive recursive solution
Recursive to iterative using queue
O(N) Time solution
- we will traverse left and right subtrees of the root with the same type of traversal.
- we compare the value of left with right or value of right with left , if they are not equal we return false.
- we recurse for leftβs left with rightβs right and leftβs right with rightβs left.
O(N) Time, using 2 queue, iterative solution
- Same recursive solution can be converted to iterative solution by using queue.
- Remember while using 2 queue we push
in 1st queue and right->right,right->left
in 2nd queue.
O(N) Time, using 1 queue, iterative solution
- We can use 1 queue instead of 2.
- remember that while using 1 queue we do
O(N) Time and O(N) Space
- Create an empty queue q.
- Push the root node of tree to q.
- Loop while the queue is not empty:
- get all the elements of q.
- push their left and right nodes in the queue.
- push_back these elements in the vector.
- pus_back this vector in main 2d vector.
- return 2d vector.
This question is in continuation with A general approach to level order traversal questions series.
- Binary tree level order traversal
- Binary tree level order traversal - II
Recursive solution
- Here is just one change, if level is odd we insert value at the beginning of vector, otherwise at the end.
Iterative solution
- Same code, just reversed the current level vector if result vector has odd size.
- Reason for above operation: since in the example we can observe every even vector is reversed, we have to reverse the even level vector, so at that time res vector has odd size.
Without reverse, insert at front if odd (Fastest)
- Here, just like we did in Q107, we just insert at the beginning of vector if res vector size is odd(i.e. currLevel is even).
O(N) Time and O(H) Space,(DFS) More proffered than iterative
O(N) Time and O(N) Space (BFS), using level order traversal
- Same like level order traversal, but we need to keep track of the depth.
- To solve this problem we need to remember preorder and inorder of tree
- Preorder = root, left, right
- Inorder = left, root, right
- So We can notice that if we start from root we will get root of the tree
- by finding position of root in inorder we can say that, entire section which is on left to the root is its left subtree and right of the root is right subtree.
- by dividing it we again got a smaller subtree, so we need to also it recursively by dividing till its base condition
- We can loop over to inorder array to find elements index, but it will add extra O(N) time complexity per operation.
- so instead of that we can use map to store indexes of inorder to reduce the time complexity.
- TC: O(N)
- SC: O(N)
Recursive solution
- The code is same as level-order-traversal, just 2 modifications.
- We have to insert New vector to the beginning of the result vector.
- We have to insert values at
res.size() - 1 - level
Iterative solution
Iterative Solution without reverse
- If you donβt want to reverse the vector, you can insert new level directly to the beginning of the result vector.
- But as compared to previous solution, this solution is takes more time to execute.
Brute force
- For every node calculate the height of the left subtree and right subtree.
- If the difference between the height of the left subtree and right subtree is greater than 1, return false.
- Else return true.
- Time complexity: O(N^2), as every time we are calculating the height of the tree.
- Space complexity: O(N)
- We will use same approach as find the height of the tree.
- As we know every time we know the height of the left and right subtree, so we can calculate the diameter of the tree at this point.
- Just keep track of the maximum diameter of the tree in height of BT code.
- Time complexity: O(N)
- Space complexity: O(N)
O(N) Time , recursive
- if root is null return false
- if roots left and right both are null return
- else recursively find
targetSum - root->val
in left and right subtree.
O(N) Time , iterative
This question is in continuation with A general approach to level order traversal questions series.
Previous Questions
- Binary tree level order traversal
- Binary tree level order traversal - II
- Binary tree zig-zag level order traversal
- Average of levels
- Binary tree right side view
- largest value in each tree row
- Next 2 solutions are part of the series other are not.
Recursive Solution
Iterative Solution
O(N) Time and O(N) space
- Using level order traversal technique and NULL.
- if current node is null and q is not empty, then push NULL into q.
- else set current nodeβs next to qβs front.
- push left and right in the queue , if they are not NULL.
O(N) Time and O(1) space
- level order traversal with root and its child,just dry run once you get the idea.
Straightforward solution
- Ex. 3rd element of 5th row -> c=2,r=4 -> (4*3)/(2*1) = 6.
- If we are at the last row, return the element.
- else try going down and right diagonally, take minimum of both.
- return current element + min of both.
Memoization (AC)
- The recursive code gives TLE.
- We can use memoization to solve this problem.
- Take 2D array memo to store the result.
Dynamic Programming (AC)
O(N^2) Time and O(1) Space
- Brute force:
- For each day, find the max profit that can be made by buying at that day and selling at the next j days.
O(N) Time and O(N) Space
- We try to sell stock each day.
- For each day from last we store maximum stock price that will appear.
- then for each day we calculate by selling the stock.
O(N) Time and O(1) Space
- We try to buy stock each day.
- For each day we keep track of the minimum price of the stock that appeared before it.
- if todays stock price is minimum we will update it.
- return max profit.
Optimized inner loop : 33% less time.
- If the price of the stock that day less than minimum price so far then there is no chance to get profit so we only update minimum price.
- else we can get profit, update maxProfit.
Greedy - O(N) Time O(1) space (Valley-peak approach)
- O(2^N) and O(N^2) approaches
- For each time at lowest cost(valley) we buy stock and at highest cost(peak) we sell stock.
- for each day we buy and on next day we sell, If it is profitable
Recursive Solution (TLE)
- For a day we have 2 choices, either can buy stock or sell stock.
- We can do 2 total transactions(buy & sell) that means we have total 4 individual transactions(buy,sell,buy,sell).
- if we have even transactions remaining then we buy stock else we sell stock.
- for every day we return maximum of
(doing nothing, buy/sell stock)
- At any point we finish all our transactions we return 0 also if we donβt have days left from trading we return 0.
- TC: O(2^n)
- SC: O(n)
Memoization (AC)
- The recursive solution giving TLE because of so many subproblems calculated again and again.
- We can remember the result of subproblems in dp array.
- If we already calculated the result of subproblems then we can directly return the result, else we store new calculations in table.
- TC: O(N)
- SC: O(N)
Tabulation (AC)
- Tabulation starts from base cases as its the bottom up approach.
- from memoization solution we can write tabulation method easily
- TC: O(N)
- SC: O(N)
Tabulation | space optimization (AC)
- We can observe that, for any day we just need the answers of the next day, so we can reduce space complexity to O(1).
- TC: O(N)
- SC: O(1)
Sorting Solution
- TC: O(NlogN)
- sort the sequence and find the consecutive subsequences and out of them return the length of the longest consecutive subsequence.
Hash table O(N) Time solution
- we create hash table of
- for every element we check if
is present or not.
- if its not present then from
we count num,num+1,num+2,...
consecutive elements.
- when
not found we update our ans
return ans
O(N) Time recursive
- We recursively traverse to the all leaf node.
- Multiply val by 10 and add curr val in it.
- if both left and right child is null, we add the current node value to the sum.
- else recurse for left anf right subtree.
- Stack can grow upto the height of the tree so that we can explore the path from root to leaf node.
- Thus, Space Complexity = O(Height of the tree)
- Time Complexity:O(N) β> All Nodes will be visited once.
- List of problems you need to master the concept :
If you find more problems, please comment it below :)
DFS Approach complex
- This video explains both the approaches and code.
- 1st approach is complex while 2nd is easy.
DFS Approach more efficient
Backtracking solution
- To clone a graph, you will need to traverse it.
- Both BFS and DFS are for this purpose. But that is not all you need.
- To clone a graph, you need to have a copy of each node and you need to avoid copying the same node for multiple times.
- So you still need a mapping from an original node to its copy.
DFS Solution
- We need map to store copies of node.
- We pass node and map in dfs function.
- DFS:
- if node is already visited, return the node
- else create a new node and add it to the map
- add all the neighbors of the node in the new node(add dfs)
- return new node
BFS Solution
- create a map to store the cloned nodes & queue for bfs
- create a new node with the same value as the original node
- and add it to the map
- BFS:
- add all the neighbors of the node in the new node
- if x is not in the map
- add x->val in the map
- add x to the queue
- add x to the neighbors of the cloned node
Greedy Solution
- The sum of
gas[i] - cost[i]
(which is the current balance state) from start point should always be >= 0
, otherwise, we canβt move to the next point.
- TC: O(N)
- SC: O(1)
Sorting array
Using Map
Using XOR (^)
- XOR of same numbers is 0;
- XOR of 0 with a number is the number;
Brute force
- Take
- Traverse the linked list and create deep copy of the current node and push both in the hashmap.
- Now traverse the linked list again and point deep copied node to the other deep copy nodes as present in original node.
- TC: O(N)
- SC: O(N)
- 3 Step algorithm explained in code.
- TC: O(N)
- SC: O(1)
O(N) Time and O(N) space
- If there is a cycle in given linked list then same node must appear more than once.
- so, we create an unordered_set of nodes ands while traversing the list we check if the node is already present in the linked list.
- if its present we return true else we insert it into the unordered_set.
- finally after completing loop we return false. because there is no cycle.
O(N) Time and O(1) space - floydβs cycle detection algorithm
- Here fast pointer move 2 steps and slow pointer moves one step.
- If they meet each other while traversing then loop that means there is a cycle else not.
fast ans slow pointer Solution
- We can use fast and slow pointer method to find the cycle.
- We move fast by 2 steps and slow by 1 step.
- When they both are equal, we have found the cycle, else we return null.
- If cycle found set fast pointer to head again and move both by 1 step.
- when both of then are equal, we have found the start of the cycle.
- return the fast/slow pointer.
- TC: O(N)
- SC: O(1)
Most intuitive (Using stack)
- To access the last node fist we can use the stack.
- Count the length & push node in stack.
- for half of the length we can just reorder the list.
- take the top of the stack.
is the next node of the currNode
- set
current node's next
to the top of the stack
- set the
next of the stack's top
to nxt
- finally set
to nxt
- Set the
last node's next
- TC: O(N)
- SC: O(N)
Using Dequeue
- Push all the nodes into a dequeue and popping alternatively from front and back while reordering the elements.
- TC: O(N)
- SC: O(N)
O(N) Time O(N) space (function call stack), Recursive
- if root is null, Return.
- Visit the root (store data).
- Traverse Left subtree.
- Traverse Right subtree.
O(N) Time and O(N) extra space
- Create a vector to store values and stack for operations
- if tree is empty, return empty vector
- else push root into stack
- while stack is not empty
- pop the top element from stack
- push the value of the popped element into vector
- we want left node to the top of stack, so we store it last so it appear on the top of stack
- if right node is not empty, push it into stack
- if left node is not empty, push it into stack
Morris traversal - O(N) time and O(N) space.
Explanation soonβ¦
O(N) Time and O(2N) space, Iterative
NOTE: Here instead of *2 Stack* I have used *1 Stack and 1 vector* and reversed the vector at the end.
More detail explanation watch this 4 min video.
O(N) Time and O(N) Space, Iterative (1 stack)
This is bit tricky.Dry run 2-3 trees to understand
Watch this Video.
O(N) Time and O(1) Space, Morris traversal
Intuitive Approach
- Store all the values of the nodes in the array.
- Sort the array.
- Create new Linked List from the sorted array.
merge sort
- Same like array merge sort.
Stack Solution
- This is simple stack problem.
- We use stack to store the numbers in the expression.
- If we encounter an operator, we pop the top two numbers βbβ and βaβ respectively(order matters for β-β and β/β).
- Then we calculate the result and push it back to the stack.
- And if its number we simply push it to the stack.
- Finally we return the top of the stack, which contains the result.
- TC: O(N)
- SC: O(N)
Brute Force
- We want to find maximum product subarray, so we can just create all subarrays and find maximum product subarray among them.
- TC: O(N^2)
- SC: O(1)
Kadenβs algorithm
- Solving a question to implement stack using stack is possible , but not a good idea.
- you can use 2 vector, 1 vector, vector of pair or map to implement the stack.
Time Complexity: O(1) for all the solutions.
Using 2 Vectors
- We maintain 2 vectors, 1 for stack implementation and another for min stack.push
to min stack in declaration.
- push element to stack.
- push min element to min stack.
- pop element from stack.
- pop min element from min stack.
- return top element from stack.
- return top element from min stack.
Using 1 vector
- Instead of 2 vectors, we can use 1 vector to implement the stack.
- if minElement is greater or equal to val, push minElement to stack and update minElement to val.
- then push val in the stack.
- pop the top of the stack.
- if top is equal to minElement, minElement will be top(next top) of the stack and pop the top(next top) from stack.
Using vector of pair
split and compare (two pass)
- split both strings on β.β and store numbers in vectors.
- compare each element and return the ans.
- TC: O(N), N=length of
max(version1, version2)
- SC: O(N), N=length of
max(vector1, vector2)
O(N) Time 2-pointers solution
- We maintain 2 pointers, one at the start and one at the end.
- We iterate over the array.
- If Sum if equal to target, return the indices.
- else if sum is greater than target we decrement the end pointer.
- else we increment the start pointer.
O(N^2) Brute force
- For every number in array we count its occurrences.
- If count is greater than n/2, then we return the number.
- we Can take a vector or unordered_map to store the frequency of each element.
- We traverse the hash map/ vector to find the n/2 frequency.
- if we found we return the element.
- TC: O(N)
- SC:O(N)/O(N^2) - Yes if we use unordered_map itβs worst case time complexity is O(N^2), which occurs when all elements are divisible by prime number and result in collision. But if we use frequency vector itβs worst case time complexity is O(N).
Mooreβs Voting Algorithm
- TC:O(N)
- SC:O(1)
- We maintain 2 variables count and candidate.
- We traverse the array and for every element we do following:
- If count is 0, then we set candidate as current element.
- If current element is same as candidate, then we increment count by 1.
- else we decrement count by 1.
- return candidate.
Intuitive Solution (AC)
- We can observe that the number formed is like 26 base number system represented in capital letters.
- We can for number with
- TC: O(N)
- SC: O(1)
Recursion (TLE)
- for the iβth day if we are holding a stock we can either sell it or do nothing.
- if we are not holding a stock we can either buy it or do nothing.
- The base case arises when we completed all the transactions(k == 0) OR we are done for all days(i == prices.size()).
Note that you could also set up the solution so that transactions are completed upon buying a stock instead.
Memoization (AC)
- In the recursive version, we have to calculate the same subproblem multiple times.
- we can reduce the number of subproblems by storing the results of the subproblems.
- we use 3D array to store the results.
- TC : O(N * K)
- SC : O(N * K)
Tabulation (AC)
- The recurrence relation is the same with top-down, but we need to be careful about how we configure our for loops.
- The base cases are automatically handled because the dp array is initialized with all values set to 0.
- For iteration direction and order, remember with bottom-up we start at the base cases.
- Therefore we will start iterating from the end of the input and with only 1 transaction remaining.
- TC: O(N*K), O(n*k*2)β> O(N*K)
- SC: O(N*K), O(n*k*2)β> O(N*K)
O(N) Time and O(N) space
- Create new array
- copy the original array
- Rotate the array by (i+k)%n.
O(N) Time and O(1) Space
- k%=nums.size(), because if k>n so we need to do only k%n operations.
- reverse the array.
- reverse the first k elements.
- reverse the rest of the array.
Using lsb
will give us lsb.
- we will shift lsb to left by
bits and it will be our reverseLsb.
- we will or reverseLsb with result.
- shift n by 1 to right.
- Reference Video
Using __builtin_popcount
Using n=n&(n-1) trick
- Each time of βn &= n - 1β, we delete one β1β from n.
Dynamic Programming
- We can rob current house or not rob the current house.
- If we rob the current house then amount will be
current house amount + i-2th house amount
- else the amount will be
i-1th house amount
- we can choose whichever is maximum
Reduced space complexity DP.
- There are only two choices for the robber, either he rob the i the house or he donβt.
- So the maximum he can rob is
rob(i) = max(rob(i-1), rob(i-2) + nums[i])
- in the below code we store
in prev1
and rob(i-2)
in prev2.
This question is in continuation with A general approach to level order traversal questions series.
Previous Questions
- Binary tree level order traversal
- Binary tree level order traversal - II
- Binary tree zig-zag level order traversal
- Average of levels
- Both solutions passed with 0ms runtime.
Recursive Solution
- Simple DFS with right node first.
- if our level is same as result vectorβs size, then we push the value in the result vector.
- Travel right first and then left.
Iterative Solution
- We push last element of queue in the result to get right side view.