TIAA - (Pune) (On-campus)
Round-1 (aptitude-coding)
- Logical reasoning and aptitude question
- Train speed problems
- Number system
- Stream and river
- Calender problem
- Technical Questions
- cs fundamentals, Operating system;, DS, Networking easy medium questions.
- java codes output
- Coding problems
- 2 problems, 30 min (very easy)
Round-2 (Technical+HR interview)
- Introduce yourself
- Questions on projects and internship mentioned on resume
- Why do you want join this company.
- What are your strengths and weaknesses.
- What are the challenges faced while doing your projects.
- What are the mistakes you have done while doing your projects/internships and how did you tackle them.
- Below are some interview experiences/questions I found.
- find out factorial of given no.
- find the no. Of palindrome numbers in the given array.
- if a string is given, find out the no. Of times given alphabet occurs in the string.
- if two arrays of strings are given them find no. Of similar words in those arrays.
- substring finding problem.
- write code for infix to prefix operation.
- priority queue implementation.
- Questions based on nested queries in DBMS. Ex. Find nth highest number in the given data.
- there were questions of OS, like what is thrashing, page fault, segmentation, deadlock etc.
- Introduce yourself.
- Data structures question on stack,queue,array
- Write a program to sort linked list using merge sort.
- program of implementation of queue using linked list.
- program to check if string are anagrams
- program to check occurrence of all character in a string.
- program to reverse the
ex: i/p: i love india.
o/p: india love i
program to write function of enqueue and dequeue.
- Introduce yourself,
- ques about projects,
- inheritance, polymorphism,
- code snippet if it would work or not and lastly
A mental ability question to find distance traveled by the bird and train.
- Asked me to introduce myself.
- Asked about what am I good at.
- Which programming language am I suitable with?
- I was asked to write linked list program .(The interviewer told me to write the program on online editor and I faced problems due to that because the performance of online editor is not soo good and it gives many errors. )
- I was asked about the new technologies that are used nowadays.
- I was asked to explain my project and based on that the interviewer asked questions related to web development, Database , what was my role in the project?,what kind of difficulties did I faced?
The questions were to delete a node and to check whether there exists a loop in LL.Later he asked me the definition of DS called “stack”
- later he asked me oops questions on C++.he asked everything he can ask .to mention few ,copy constructor, polymorphism and it’s type, virtual func,friend func,etc.At last he asked me a SQL query to find a tuple with second max element.
1 hour interview
Oops concepts basics
- OS virtual memory deadlock
DBMS normalization
Questions on project and internship
Few basic programs ( logic only)
Little bit about academic subjects
1 stock maximum profit
2 anagram
3 4 Sum …
Tip - practice optimal approaches
Round-3 (HR interview)
Interviewer looked at my portfolio, asked me about my projects, technologies used, core logic.
Later, he gave me 3 codes to implement easy - medium leveled,
He asked me about myself, some SQL, mongo, how the relational and non relational databases are different?, Foreign key, aggregation in mongo (I was unable to give the answer of this), data structures (link list, queue,stack) real life example.
Try to answer max questions accurately than bluffing. If you don’t know the concept just tell them that you couldn’t recall. Prepare oops concepts precisely with realtime example. Have deep knowledge of language you chosen as your programming language. They asked me some Java code snippet , SQL join query, explain oops concepts, what is no- SQL database and which one is good, project explanation, technical achievements , quick sort algorithm explanation, binary search, tree DFS , merge sort code, time complexity of them and finally a question on train (puzzle type)
Oops advanced concepts in very detail with practical example
- About frameworks I know and their architecture
Programs with consideration of complexity
About my internship in detail with what I did which libraries I used
Some simple sql queries
Even if you make mistake, keep going on. If you seriously don’t the answer, just say so. Don’t stay silent for long.